Monday, November 13, 2006


So, the call went out; big halloween party, costumes a must! Some people were kind of wussing out but Phil (the organiser this time) was adamant. No Costume, no party!
So everyone got into it. In the afternoon, me and Juri went looking for costumes, but they were all either really expensive or really lame. So I suggested she should go to a 2nd hand store and get old clothes to go as a hippy, I was gunna go with my backup plan. But Juri insisted I go as a hippy too. So after a fruitless search for bell-bottoms I went with some purple corduroy pants and a shirt already in my cupboard I topped it off with a rainbow headband with cut up wool hanging off it, (cos a hippy needs hair) and also some rose-coloured glasses. After putting them things on I felt full-hippy cos everything looked really trippy. Like, psychedelic man!
Anyways about 30- people turned up and it was 3 hours of all you can drink karaoke, so it didnt take long to get the place rocking. I did a version of Sex Machine that tore the house down. Get up-ah!
After 3 hours, unfortunately it was time to go. But luckily a bunch of people were also going to Ikuta (where I live), so we went down to the fish bar for a few more. At the end of the night, I tried to take my camera out of my pocket but dropped it and broke the screen. Dead. Farewell fair Snappy (the post-mortem name I just gave to my dead camera) you served me well. To fix it would've cost the same as a new camera (or more than the price of a just average camera) so I went and got a new one today. Very cool.

The undead can be remarkably good drinkers

Another in the lucky man series. The hair had come off by this stage, much too hot

When zombies attack!

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Disney. Hooray.

I recently went on my 2nd trip to Disney. Not because I particularly like the place, or that I'm a Disney-phile or anything (but there are plenty of those in Japan), but because Johnboy wanted to go and I couldn;t refuse the request of a mate about to leave the country.
Unlike last time, it hardly rained at all. Since the weather was good and it was a Sunday the place was a madhouse. Waiting times on rides were through the roof. We didnt make it onto our first ride until after about 3 hours. tragic.
We completely avoided some rides because of ridiculous waiting times. We were happy though, that once again we seemed to have come on the day of the stupid hat convention. Until you go to Disney you have no idea what lengths some people will go to to make the area above their head loook ridiculous.
But anyway, in the end we had a good day. We were wiped out at the end of the day though. So much so, that we didnt even go for a dink afterwards. Whoa!

words to live by

members of the convention

Some hats can be cute though